Marc Evangelista - Intrapreneurship, a Challenge for Large Companies - EPUB
14,00 €
The need to reinvent themselves prompts large corporations to consider a different approach to innovation, one inspired by the startup model. Intrapreneurship can be a fantastic lever for transforming new ideas into viable and sustainable businesses. However, for intrapreneurial teams to thrive and reach their full potential, it is necessary to set up a dedicated, independent and protected structure.
ISBN 978-2-490399-22-2
ISBN 978-2-490399-22-2
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BIOGRAPHIE DE L'AUTEUR. Marc EVANGELISTA is in charge of the incubation program for Michelin, the place where intrapreneurship takes shape. He thus observed numerous exploration teams and practiced benchmarks on this subject. Previously, he spent more than 30 years in the Michelin group in different positions ranging from the design office, to industry, to purchasing and international trade.